
Technical support

  • EGA Master dictionary

    This technical dictionary of EGA Master S.A. –a world leader in top-quality tools for industrial use– includes the most important terms in our field in the main languages used nowadays on the international market.

    It is clear that globalization is leading us to a different business reality and that is why companies are finding themselves obliged to work in various languages.

    At EGA Master we know that a suitable language strategy in the workplace is a key aspect for competitiveness as it allows us to display greater proximity to the customer. This is why we have compiled this dictionary with the advice of experts in terminology at the Elhuyar Language & Technology Unit , where we have collected the most common terms in our daily work to make them available to the general public.

    The EGA Master Dictionary has about 2,000 terms extracted from the products we use today in the tool sector. All the terms have been translated into the main languages on the international market (English, Spanish and French), but we also wanted to add other languages to bring us closer to our customers: Basque, Portuguese, German, Chinese and some Americanisms

    EGA Master, an organisation with an ongoing spirit of innovation, is fully geared towards the customer with a clear aim: his/her total satisfaction through a comprehensive offer of products, tailored solutions and first-rate attention and services.